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Earth Day

Earth Day Wednesday 22nd April


Commemorate Earth Day’s 50th anniversary with STEM and environmental education wherever you are! The Theme this year is ‘Climate Action’.

We’re flooding the digital landscape with livestreamed discussions, a global digital surge, and 24 hours of actions that you can take, right now and from wherever you are.


Visit the link below:


Every year on 22 April, Earth Day is celebrated around the world in over 192 countries. But this annual event is much more than a celebration – it’s an important day to raise awareness about looking after the environment.

If we want to keep our planet clean and safe for years to come, we need to reduce the amount of pollution we produce and fight against climate change. That’s why on Earth Day, over a billion people take part in activities to make the world a healthier place – from conferences and street marches, to art displays and beach clean-ups! However this year with social distancing it will be slightly different.

Learn about Earth’s incredible places, the environmental problems we need to tackle and the wonderful wildlife that need our help…



Ideas for home-


  • Recycling focus- can you help you to recycle? 

  • Do you know which bins the household items go in?

  • Think about plastic pollution.

  • Pick up litter on a walk.

  • Plant some seeds if you have some at home.

  • Science- pour oil into water to see the effects of oil spills.

  • Build a bird house or bird feeder- use a milk carton or other cartons/plastic bottles in your house.


  • Build a bug hotel

  • Go on a nature scavenger hunt in your garden.

  • Craft a nature collage

  • Create a rainforest fact page or imovie.

  • Create a fact page on endangered animals

  • Save energy in your house today, look at which lights are left on etc. ‘Be Switched on…switch things off!’- check for ‘stand by’ lights in your house- these still use energy.

  • Turn off taps while you brush your teeth.


Also after social distancing is lifted, please remember to;

  • Walk or cycle more- do you really need the car?
  • Reuse shopping bags- say no to plastic.


Check out more ideas below. 




