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Sports Day


On Wednesday, P4 took part in Sport's Day. Everyone was absolutely amazing!! They all tried their very best and cheered on their friends. I am so proud of you all!! You are Stars!!


Traffic Survey


This week for our Outdoor Numeracy, P4 had lots of fun conducting a traffic survey. We recorded colours of and types of vehicles passing our school. Using the data we collected, we used Just2Easy to create bar charts to display our data. We had so much fun!! 



Sunflower Planting in the Sun


We are all rays of Sunshine in P4!! 


Welly Wednesday


This week for our Welly Wednesday session, we created our own mazes using natural materials for our friends to complete. We talked about components a maze should have and ways in which we could challenge our friends. Our mazes were 'aMAZEing'!! 



