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P3/4 - Mrs Morrison

Welcome to P3/4 Mrs Morrison!



Crazy Hair and Silly Sock Day

Pancake Tuesday

Growing Cress

Christmas Jumper Day

Letters to Santa

Our Cardboard Tube Animals

Sponsored Bounce

On Friday 7th October we had a sponsored bounce. We had lots of fun bouncing on 2 bouncy castles and playing in the outside play area. As well as enjoying ourselves we raised a large sum of money to be spent on outdoor play resources! Thank you for all your support.

Sponsored Bounce

On Tuesday 15th November we went for a walk around Markethill. We were looking for natural and man-made features in the area around our school. Some of us saw some buildings and a river that we had never noticed before. Everyone had a chance to take a photograph with the i-pad and you can view them in the slideshow below.