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The World Around Us

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You can help your children find out more about the world round us with these interactive activities.


Outdoor Learning


Oxford Island

Lough Neagh Discovery Centre are encouraging everyone to take a closer look at the wildlife and biodiversity in their own gardens.  They will be adding facts and figures about wildlife to their site on a regular basis which will be pitched at children of a primary school age.  They hope to look at earthworms, slugs and snails, woodlouse, spiders and millipedes over the coming weeks and will cover much of facts the information we deliver to those groups that would normally visit Oxford Island at this time of year.


Spread the word amongst the parents and the year groups that study minibeasts so as we can keep the learning going through a garden minibeast hunt.


They will try to include simple activities which require minimal resources and will be encouraging children to share their pictures, photographs and works of art.

The team is happy to provide more information on wildlife and answer your questions where they can, so do get in touch.  

Enjoy the Easter break as best you can under these strange conditions.


Check out the link

