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P4 had lots of fun today, taking part in the Bounceathon. We were 'Jumping for Joy' for the last few days of school before Easter. A big thank you for all the money raised over the past few weeks. We are absolutely blown away with your generosity and support. 



World Maths Day


P4 had lots of fun celebrating, World Maths Day. We went on a Shape trail around our school grounds, following clues to solve problems and look for 2D/3D Shapes. Indoors, we took part in Mathletics World Maths' Day Worldwide Challenge. We loved competing with other children from around the world solving mathematical questions. We had so much fun and done MPS proud!!






In P4, we have been learning about weight. We have had lots of fun this week, weighing lots of different objects around our classroom and ordering these from the heaviest to the lightest and vice versa. P4 have been great estimators. 


World Book Day


Today in school, we celebrated World Book Day. We had lots of fun on our Character Scavenger Hunt and loved observing the amazing Story boxes our friends created. We were blown away with the creativity, clues and ideas everyone came up with!! Well done, P4!! 






Armagh County Museum


P4 had an amazing morning at, Armagh County Museum. We had lots of fun observing and learning about Toys, from lots of different eras. We enjoying hearing about how they were made, what time period they were from and most importantly, playing with them. We even got to make our own toys to bring home. Everyone had a great day!! Well done, P4!!



Welly Wednesday


P4 are loving, Welly Wednesday's. This week we completed a, 'Nature Treasure Hunt'. P4 partnered up and were looking for items of different shapes, sizes, colours, textures and smells. We had lots of fun and enjoyed sharing our findings with our friends.

